Dear Teachers Now we will discuss the correct rules to download NTRCA Police Verification Form PDF. Welcome to all newly appointed private teachers. You have already selected your new school, college, madrasa, or technical institute as your workplace in the fourth mass notification. From the notice of the result published on the website, it is known that the candidates selected in the fourth mass notification have to fill out the police verification form online and submit it online. The instructions regarding the submission of the V-Roll form will be notified later through the notification on the official website of NTRCA and through SMS on the selected candidate’s mobile. Let’s download the Police Verification Form PDF file today and start the process of submitting it now by filling out the V-Roll form online.
In the fourth mass circular published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority on December 21, 2022, 32 thousand 438 candidates have been initially selected for the purpose of recommending the appointment of teachers in private educational institutions based on the merit of the candidates and the preference order of the candidates and the needs of the institution. Selected candidates have already completed checking the result by logging in with their application id and mobile number. Teachers will now start the process of submitting Police Verification Online as their new activity. Through this post, we will discuss in detail the process of filling out and submitting the police verification form online very easily.
NTRCA New Teachers V-Roll Form Fill Up:
If you are a new teacher then you must know the police verification form given here in detail. All information given here must be collected and filled in online by you. It is important to have the following information with you before submitting an online forum.
NTRCA V-Roll Form PDF Download Link
“Pre-Employment Resume Verification Form”
Candidate should write the name of the post to which he will be appointed. The information required at each self-filling point includes name, registration exam batch, roll number, and mobile number. Nationality, Father’s full name and post name and nationality if in service, permanent address, present residential address, address of all places where the candidate has stayed for more than 6 months in the last five years. Date of Birth (to be written as per Candidate’s Secondary School Certificate i.e. SSC Certificate). Post Office or Thana Upazila etc. of the place of birth should be mentioned. The candidate should write the educational qualification mentioning the name and year of the educational institution where the candidate has studied from the age of 15 years.
Coming to the second page, at point number 10, the candidate should state the full details and address of any government/semi-government/autonomous/or semi-autonomous/local government organization including private organization if currently employed, and the reason for leaving. In point number 11, whether the candidate is the son or daughter of a freedom fighter should be decided yes or no. It is necessary to determine whether you are disabled or not by coming to option number 12.
In point 13, we have seen whether he has been arrested, accused, or convicted in a criminal political or any other case, and if so, full details with the date should be given. In option number 14, if any of the close relatives i.e. brothers, uncles, and father-in-law are employed in Bangladesh government jobs, the name of the post and workplace should be given in advance.
Coming to the third page, in option number 15, a character certificate from the principal of the educational institution where the candidate has last studied has to be given. In option 16, you can testify about the character and previous identity of the candidate but you must mention the names and addresses of two persons who are related to the candidate.
Coming to option number 17, you have to decide whether you are married or single. If unmarried, if there is a proposal of marriage, the nationality of the person who is married or proposed to be married should be mentioned.
Lastly, I hereby declare on oath that action may be taken against me including cancellation of candidature or examination for false information in the above material details to the best of my knowledge. The next line should be signed and dated by the candidate.
The second part can be found on the fourth i.e. the last page. Here the District Special Branch Police or Bangladeshi Special Branch Deputy Inspector General of Police will fill.
পুলিশ ভেরিফিকেশন ফরম অনলাইন আবেদন শুরু করুন
If nothing is found against the concerned candidate for verification, the Superintendent of Police of the District Special Branch will directly return this form to the sending authority along with the Deputy Inspector General of Police of Bangladesh Special Branch.
But if any information is found in the record against the concerned candidate, the Superintendent of Police of the District Special Branch and the Deputy Inspector General of the Bangladeshi Special Branch will send this form back to the sending authority along with the reply.
This is your police verification form. Here you have to fill the form with some difficult information or some simple information. Must submit online after filling the form with all correct information. Submit online but the form must be downloaded and saved as a PDF file. You will carry out this work as per further instructions from the NTRCA authority. Click on the PDF link to download the form.