Bangladesh Ansar and Ministry of Village Defense have appointed different trainers for girl candidates. Ansar and Village Defense Force Trainer Post Question Solution can be seen here. Bangladesh Ansar and VDP Shikshika Thana Upazila Class III Post Exam Question Answer 2023 has just been published. Are you looking for Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Force Solution 2023? Then you have come to the right place because we just published the solution on our website. We have managed to solve this post question within a very short period of time. As the written exam is being held today it is expected that the result of this exam will be released in a very short time.
Ansar ও গ্রাম প্রতিরক্ষা প্রশ্ন সমাধান
Women are being appointed to Ansar and Village Defense Force positions in rural areas. So they need female trainers to train them. For this, now female trainers are being recruited. Therefore, this year’s recruitment letter mentions the recruitment circular for the post of trainer and trainer. In view of this question solving and examination are conducted in different ways. result
This year, the number of female candidates for Ansar and Village Defense Trainer posts is 37 thousand 780. They participated in the examination in various women’s colleges of Dhaka. Boys’ questions and girls’ questions are completely different. All the students who applied for the post of trainer after the completion of your exam we have completed the question solution. Those of you who have seen the question solution can quickly share this post on Facebook to inform your other candidates.
Ansar প্রশিক্ষিকা (মেয়ে) প্রশ্ন সমাধান দেখুন
Bangladesh Ansar VDP Job Result 2023
In the written exam usually the questions are very difficult but this year it is completely different. Candidates who appeared in the exam said that the questions came very easy and were of MCQ level. So the students participating in the MCQ exam are expressing their happiness with very good exam.
Some information for those who want to work in this post, you have to provide training to Ansar and Village Defense Force girls only. They have to be educated and trained in various ways. These things will be communicated to you in advance and you will be given training if necessary. Working here gives a decent salary at the end of the month. And you can enjoy all the benefits of government job.