Admit download 2023 process of the first phase of the primary teacher recruitment exam has just started. Are you interested in downloading the Admit Card of Primary Teacher Recruitment Barisal and Sylhet Division? This post is made for you because from this question now you can download the admit card in a very quick time using the direct official website link. Without further delay let’s start the admit card download process right now.
1st Step Admit Card Download Link
You may already know that the DPE Teacher Registration Program will be conducted in three phases across Bangladesh. As there are many examinees in the country, the authorities conduct these examinations in different divisions. Every year we see that many problems appear on the official website after publishing the recruitment notification. The only one reason for making this decision is to handle the pressure of additional applicants.
DPE Primary Teacher 1st Step Admit Download Rules
Among the various websites of Bangladesh, the government has already started running its official websites properly. Now we are going to know the exact procedure to download the DPE Primary Teacher Registration Admit Card.
- First, enter this link
- Now see if there is an Admit Card category selection
- Then click on Write on Download Admit Card
- Select your district
- Enter the ID number correctly
- Click “Download Admit” and wait
- Your admit card will download in PDF file format and print it Admit Card Download
You can start your exam admit card download process directly from Teletalk Bangladesh under the Director of Primary Education. However, as many candidates are unable to download their admit cards themselves, they flock to various mobile and computer shops. But you have to remember that in the future you have to afford to download your admit card yourself. This will save you time and money.
We are already discussing about Primary Education First Stage Admit Card Download Process. So I would like to inform you that if you are not able to download the admit card today then try tomorrow at any time. Today with the release of the admit card, the website is running a bit slow due to all the applicants entering at once. Hope this issue will be resolved very soon.
DPE Admit Card Download Link
As per the earlier announcement, the download of admit cards for the DPE Primary Teacher Recruitment two-section exam has started today from 25th November 2023. For your convenience, we are going to publish here the exact link to download the admit card. Those who want to get today’s published admit card directly through the official website click here
Barisal Division Admit Card Download
This year the number of candidates applied from the Barisal division is 1 lakh 80 thousand 225 people. Such a large number of candidates will definitely need an exam admit card to appear in their exam. So you are told to download your exam admit card slowly till further instructions.
DPE Sylhet Division Teacher Recruitment Admit Card Download Link
According to the latest application process, we know that about 1 lakh 85 thousand candidates belonging to the Sylhet division are going to participate in the primary teacher recruitment exam this year. Since students do not have to wait long for primary teacher recruitment, this category of jobs has become very popular these days.
Above all we want to say one thing if the first phase preliminary exam is held on 8th December then you can download your admit card anytime. But we hear that sometimes this exam date may change again. Follow our website to get important suggestions and previous year’s question solutions for the DPE Primary Teacher Recruitment Exam.