Nursing Admission Question Solution and Result 2024 has been published on the official website today. Now you can download the question solution copy from here. Click here to download the solution copy.
Question Solution is uploaded on the last part of this post. Please collect it from here. Now you can download your Admit card from our website along with seeing your seat plan. Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Diploma in nursing admission date 2024 have been published by the Admission exam authority on their official website yesterday. If you want to apply for Nursing Admission Circular 2024 – 21 please fill up your admission form within 7 pm of November 29, 2024.
BSc in Nursing Admission Test 2024
Do you know BSc in Nursing Admission Test 2024 Circular has been published by the Directorates of Nursing on their website yesterday? If you don’t know it please keep read the content carefully. I think you will be able to how can you apply for the admission test.
Diploma in Nursing Admission Test 2024
The diploma in Nursing Admission Test will be held on June 20, 2024. Nursing College you must fill up the admission test form from the official website or our website. We also can help you to fill up your form. How can you fill up your form online?
Nursing Admission Eligibility
- Applicants must be from Bangladesh by birth.
- Students must pass their HSC in 2019 and 2024 also they must pass their SSC in 2018 & 2017. That means if you have an SSC Certificate in 2017 and HSC 2024 you also can apply for the admission test 2024. The regular students are can apply to those who are passed their SSC in 2024 and HSC 2024 they are eligible to apply for the admission test 2024.
- For the position of BSc in Nursing, you must have SSC and HSC certificate from the Science group. Applicants must have GPA-7.00 in SSC and HSC with a 4th subject. Never accept less than 3.00 in any stream. In Biology must have 3.00 Each Stream.
- For the position of Diploma in Nursing, applicants can be applied from any Group (Science, Arts and Business Study) and must have GPA- of 6.00 in SSC and HSC with 4th Subject. Remember that never accept GPA-2.50 in any stream.
- For online applications, applicants must read the application direction which is published on the official website.
Nursing Admission fee
For the Bachelor of Science in Nursing course, you should pay 700/= taka for your admission test fee 2024. And for Diploma in Nursing Course, you should pay 500/= taka for your admission test fee 2024 – 21. Both stream applicants pay their application fee via Taletalk prepaid mobile. If you will do the online application and admission test payment correctly you will be eligible for the admission test 2024.
Mobile Payment System
For Example: DNS H DHA 128956 2024 DHA 1285568 2016 39,41,43,42,45,44,40 1 and Send to 16222.
After sending your first SMS you will get a PIN Number from the reply SMS after got your PIN Number you will send your second SMS. SMS sending System is given below.
For Example DNS H YES 123456 01xxxxx and Send to 16222
Nursing Admission Deadline
- The application process will start from 12:00 pm on November 15, 2024.
- The last date for the application process is 29 April 2024 at 7:00 pm.
- The last time for application payment is on 30 June 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Nursing Admission Admit Card 2024 Download
Dear applicants of BSc in Nursing and Diploma in Nursing if you have done your application process you can download your admit card from today. The admission authority of BSc in Nursing and Diploma in Nursing has published your admit card on their official website today. Now you can download your admit card from our website also.
The admit card will be published on June 15, 2024, on the official website and you must download your admit card before 19 May 2024 at 11:59 pm. You must remember that your admission test will be held on 20 May 2024 Friday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for one hour.
Admission important information
If you need important information for your admission test you can visit and the official website and BNMC’s website You can visit the BD Exam Help website also every day for your updated information. The 2nd time students also can apply for the admission test 2024.
Nursing College List and Name In Bangladesh
১. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, এস এস এম সি ও মিটফোর্ড হাসপাতাল, ঢাকা, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
২. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল কুমিল্লা, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল ফরিদপুর, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৪. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, খুলনা, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৬. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, নোয়াখালী, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৮. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, জেনারেল হাসপাতাল, যশোর, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
১০. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, জেনারেল হাসপাতাল, টাঙ্গাইল, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
১২. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, জেনারেল হাসপাতাল, পটুয়াখালী, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
২৪. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, সদর হাসপাতাল, কিশোরগঞ্জ, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
২৫. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, সদর হাসপাতাল, ঝিনাইদহ, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
২৬. নার্সিং ইনস্টিটিউট, সদর হাসপাতাল, চাঁদপুর, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
২৮. ঢাকা নার্সিং কলেজ, ঢাকা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, ঢাকা, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 50 টি
২৯. ময়মনসিংহ নার্সিং কলেজ, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, ময়মনসিংহ, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩০. রাজশাহী নার্সিং কলেজ, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, রাজশাহী, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩২. রংপুর নার্সিং কলেজ, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, রংপুর, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩৩. সিলেট নার্সিং কলেজ, এম এ জি ওসমানী মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, সিলেট, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩৪. বরিশাল নার্সিং কলেজ, শের-ই-বাংলা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, বরিশাল, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩৫. ফৌজদারহাট নার্সিং কলেজ, চট্টগ্রাম, আসন সংখ্যা সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩৬. বগুড়া নার্সিং কলেজ, শহীদ জিয়াউর রহমান মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, বগুড়া, আসন সংখ্যা সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৩৮. দিনাজপুর নার্সিং কলেজ, মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল সংলগ্ন, দিনাজপুর, আসন সংখ্যাঃ 25 টি
৪০. লালমনিরহাট নার্সিং কলেজ, লালমনিরহাট, আসনঃ 25 টি
৪২. নার্সিং ইন্সটিটিউট সদর হসপিটাল, কক্সবাজার (প্রক্রিয়াধীন আছে)
Admission Test Question Pattern
The admission test exam will be held on 20 June 2024 and the admission question pattern is 100 MCQ questions and each question is for 1 mark 100 questions for 100 marks and it will be in the written test.
BSc in Nursing Course admission test question and marks pattern by subjects wise is Bangla-20, English-20, Mathematics-10, Science(Biology, Physics, Chemistry)-30 and General Knowledge- 20 that is Total of 100 questions for 100 marks and the exam is written test.
Diploma in Nursing Course admission test question and marks pattern by subjects wise is Bangla- 20, English- 20, Mathematics- 10, General Science- 25 and General Knowledge – 25 that means you will attend for 100 questions for 100 marks written test. The admission test pass marks 40. Admitted selection is by the position of the students from past students. The first position students will be able to admit in Govt. College and others are eligible for non-govt. College.
SSC and HSC GPA Marks Distribution
The Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate exam GPA marks are 50. The marks distribution is SSC GPA marks will multiple in 4 average marks is 20. And for HSC GPA marks, HSC GPA points will multiple in 6, and the total marks for HSC GPA are 30. Total SSC and HSC GPA marks are 50. The admission test score also counts after adding SSC and HSC GPA marks. In written test applicants must get 40 marks from 100 marks to pass the admission test examination. Those who do not get 40 marks or under 40 marks are called fail in the admission test examination. The admission test position will count only from passed students.
For Foreigner Students Only
Those who are from Bangladesh but they did get an O-Level and A-Level degree their mark sheet will convert into Bangladeshi GPA marks and the Equivalence Certificate should submit on the admitted time. For that, they can get their certificate from the commission of Diploma in Nursing.
For Vocational And Open University Students
If you are from Vocational Education or Open University you must verify your marks sheet from your Board/University office. You should submit it nursing office within 5 June 2024. Otherwise, you will not be able to download your admission test admit card.
Those who are from Vocational also can attend the admission exam 2024. They are lucky to attend the exam. The female students are so lucky here they have a quota on the admission test. So please doing well preparation for the next admission mission.
Important Instruction for Quota Students
If you are an applicant from a freedom fighter’s family or if you have a quota you should follow the government rules. Freedom Fighter’s quota Key-word is FF. Bachelor of Nursing and Diploma in nursing course there 90% female quota and 10% male quota Students will admit. If you have a district quota you must have a union council certificate which is must be certified by Union Councilors.
The quota students please confirmed that your quota is legal or valid by the Bangladesh Government. If you do not have a valid certificate you will not get the admission test 2024.
Submit Papers for Admit
- The SSC and HSC main Certificate which you have received/collected from Education Board.
- The main mark sheet of SSC and HSC steams which you have got from your Board.
- Recently captured 3 copy photos must be attested by a first-class officer.
- For Freedom Fighter’s quota students must submit an FF certificate which is given by Freedom Fighter’s Ministry.
- For the courses downloaded admit card.
- If the selected applicant’s information will incorrect the admission process will be banned by the nursing authority.
- Any information related to the admission test 2024 the admission authority can change anytime. They have the power to do or to change any information at any time.
- BD exam Help can help you in the admission test 2024
The upper papers please submit the authority before starting your admission to the institute. These papers also should keep bare on the Viva exam day. Doing a good job is very important for all students.
Nursing Admission Admit Card Download
Dear students, your admission test admit card is ready for you. Now you can collect it from our website or from the official website. If you want to collect it from the official website please go to the official website and do download it.
The admission authority is publishing your admit card to you for your admission test 2024. Admit card is very important for your admission test and also your examination. Without your admit card you will not attend the exam.
Nursing Admission Seat Plan Pdf Download
Do you know the nursing admission seat plan has been published? yes, it is true nursing admission authority has been published the seating plan of the admission test 2024. The interested students are can see it on our website or the official website only. We want to tell the applicants that you must check your seat plan properly before going to the exam hall.
In this year a lots number of students have applied for the admission test. So if you can’t check your seat plan on the official website you can see it on our website. Here we have only to help you. Here we upload a pdf file of it for you.
Nursing Admission Test Question Solution 2024
Applicants your nursing admission test held on today. We have collected a question paper for the admission test. We solved it properly. The technical team doing hard work to solve this question paper. You know that we are the only one who published your question solution on our website.
BD Exam Help solved your question paper properly. Some technical problem is affecting us that is why not yet publish your question solution. We are doing work to publish it as soon as possible.
In this year nursing admission test question is very hard than in others a previous year. You are so bad lucky because this year the question is very hard. But the previous year’s question was so easy for all students. But the idea is if you’re doing well in the exam hall or pass in all sectors you shall get a chance probably. So don’t worry student whatever you are doing in the exam hall.
BSC in Nursing Admission Result
It is sorrow that most of them do not know how to check their admission test result online. We are here for these students. We can help them to get their result properly. They will follow our website to get all kinds of educational information. You also can see other universities’ admission test information from our website. Just go to our home page and click on the admission sector to know your expected result.
BSc nursing admission test result 2019 and 2010 published by Bangladesh nursing and midwifery Council official website today. Dear applicants now we are going to discuss how to get your result online. You know that your admission test has been completed on 20 December 2019. You have to know that every year nursing admission authority published results within one week. So it is clear that in this year also the result will be published within one week.
We know that you are here come to collect your result. That is why this post is only for you. Dear Student uploaded BSc in nursing admission question solution also on our website. If you don’t collect your question solution yet you have to collect it from our website.
You will happy to know that some committee that the result will publish within this week. We have talked with a member of this office he said that result is ongoing to processing. He also said that the result is ready to publish. So don’t worry about your result.
Diploma in Nursing Admission Result 2024
Dear students, you know that nursing is a good occupation all over the world rather than in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, there has a Nursing Council that always arranges the nursing admission test. Every year so many students are attending the nursing admission test.
We all know that nursing is divided into two parts one is DSC in nursing and another is a diploma in nursing. Those who have passed the HSC examination from the science group are applying for the BSc in the nursing admission test. And those pass only SSC examination they are doing admission Test under diploma in nursing. Everywhere lots of students attend for the BSc in nursing admission. We know that a law grade GPA students are applying for the nursing admission tests.
In Bangladesh, there are 11 colleges for BSC nursing and 38 colleges for diplomas in midwifery, and 42 colleges for diplomas in nursing science and midwifery. They all are doing well in this sector.
The nursing admission test holds on 20 December. There are thousands of students who are applying for this admission test. They all are also expected to get a chance. The Guardians also want to see his or her children to get a chance in the nursing admission tests. We also want to say that all students will do well in the examination if they have a good preparation for this exam.
Dear students who want to get your admission test result quickly please do follow our website. Because we are only who will publish your result quickly than others. You also can get your result from the official website of the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council.
How to Check Nursing Admission Test Result
If you are an applicant for a diploma in nursing or BSc in nursing 2019-20 this post only for you. We are going to show you how to check your nursing admission test result. We can say that your admission result is going to publish on this week.
Dear students, you can check your result by way. One is buying mobile SMS and another is online. We all know that online is the best way to check admission test results. We are going to show you these two ways.
- If you want to check your result online follow under direction.
- At first, you visit
- Then you will see the homepage of the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council.
- You can see it on the top of the right-side login option. Click on the login option.
- Enter your HSC exam roll number, select your passing year, select your board name.
- And enter your SSC roll number.
- Now click on the submit button, you will see all information and your result.
Another way to get your result is by mobile SMS. You will get a notification from Teletalk. Teletalk will give your result by mobile SMS. So to get your result by mobile SMS you don’t do anything.
Important Information for Admission
Dear students who passed the admission test will admit to their selected college within 7 days so on the admission time you must have some papers. If you don’t have this kind of paper you will not admit you selected college. We are going to tell you which kind of peppers you must have with you.
- SSC /equivalent examination original or temporary certificate.
- HSC or equivalent examination original or temporary certificate.
- Three copies passport size photo with attested by a first-class officer.
- Mentioned course color printed admit card.
Dear students in above all papers you have to bear with you when you will go to admit in your college. Is one paper is missing please collect it today? If you lose one please contact us we can help you. To find your papers
Diploma in nursing admission result 2024 – 21
In nursing admission result 2019-20 is going to publish on that week. You will find your result on this website. This website is the official site of the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council. You also can check here diploma in nursing admission result from The nursing result will publish under the Bangladesh nursing and midwifery Council. You can call it all result from our website.
The Teletalk mobile operator has provided your admission result on their website also. Now you can collect it from their website. They also upload a PDF file for you. You also can a PDF file from this website. This website owner uploads a PDF link. Who is too easy than other website links.
Full Result Diploma in Nursing 2019-20
Diploma in Nursing Midwifery Result Science Group
Science group students who attend the admission test 2024 and 20 can collect their result from this website. Click here to collect your result. If click the link you will get your result download link. Download this file for collecting your result. In this file, your full result will get. You will fail this exam you also can see here detailed information about your admission test.
BSC In Nursing Admission College Selection Result Download
Click here to See BSC In Nursing Admission College Selection Result
Some important instructions
Dear applicants the admission session 2019-20 of diploma in nursing or BSc in nursing. Admission test of the Government and nongovernment nursing and midwifery institution all exam held together. All admission results for also published on that. If you will not get a chance at a government nursing college you will get son’s nongovernment nursing college. You must have to admit it after getting a chance. The authority also will give you a to admit the college you get. The college authority will start your admit from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Not admit on the aforementioned time your admission will cancel. The first merit list candidate must be admitted timely. Students mast all the college authority’s direction.
Documents for admission
Applicant, you must have the below documents for admission 2024 and 21 sessions. Have any paper please collect it as soon as possible. Any paper you can contact us we can help you to collect it.
1. The main coffee of SSC or equivalent certificate.
2. Original copy of SSC audio cable and certificate.
3. SSC or equivalent academic transcript copy or mark sheet copy.
4. Academic transcript number Gate or mark sheet copy SSC or equivalent.
5. Three copies of passport size photos. Your photo must be attested by a first-class officer.
6. If you have a Quota, you must have a valid certificate of Quota.
7. You must have your admission test admit card.
8. For district Quota mast show your citizenship certificate who is verified by your Union Counselor or your ward concealer.
Terms And Condition for This Admission Test
This admission authority has some terms and conditions for the session of 2024 of nursing admission. The terms and conditions are given below.
- Selected applicants must have Bangladeshi citizenship.
- Applicants good have to good health.
- Authority will not provide any TA/DA for the Viva test.
- If the college has no hostel for the students the students will manage their house.
- During the course continue students cannot continue other studies in any other Institute. If anybody will do that type of study the admission will cancel.
- There is no migration process for the admission test.
- The admission authority also will not give any security for your job.
- Admission authority I have to power to change anything about this admission test.
In Conclusion, we can say that please doing proper preparation for the up-coming admission test 2024. If you have less preparation you will not do well in the examination. So good preparation is very important. If you need any information from us please know us that doing a comment on our comment box. We will reply to you as soon as possible.