নটরডেম প্রশ্ন NDC Admission Question Solution 2023 PDF Download

All the colleges in Bangladesh have already started the admission process. However, under the exceptional admission process, Notre Dame College, Dhaka conducts written examination every year to admit students. This year the application for the admission test of this college started from 10th August till 17th August. Today, the written examination of science department students was held. It should be remembered that it is better to know the correct answers to the questions in the written test. So let’s start checking NDC Notre Dame College Question Solution 2023 held today.

Meanwhile, students have completed their exams and all are visiting our website to check question solutions online. If you are interested to see a 100% correct solution to all questions then you must follow the process shown by us. And you can follow the solution link for each question given here.

Today’s Question Solution Link of Science Department

NDC MCQ Questions Answers

Students from all over Bangladesh have completed applications for Notre Dame College’s only student admission as part of the Class XI admission process. Students and parents from all over the country have already confirmed their students’ participation in the examination. As much as today’s exam question solutions are applicable for this year’s students, they are more valuable for next year’s exam candidates. So without delay let’s download all questions and answers with an explanation.

আজকের কিছু স্যাম্পল প্রশ্ন

➤প্রথম সূর্যকেন্দ্রিক সৌরজগতের ব্যাখ্যা দেন কে?

➤একটি স্ক্রু গজের পিচ ০.৫ মিমি আর ঘর সংখ্যা ৫০,, প্রধান স্কেলের ২ নং দাগের সাথে মিললে গোলকের ব্যাস কতো??

➤মমতাদি মানিক বন্দোপাধ্যায় এর কোন গ্রন্থ থেকে নেওয়া হয়েছে?

➤৭ অণু কেলাস পানি বিশিষ্ট লবণের সংকেত লিখো?

➤Mickel Modhushudan Dutt was inspired by the English poet _?

➤আডিপিক এসিডের সংকেত কি?

➤মূলদ ভগ্নাংশ কাকে বলে?

➤প্রচুরকের সূত্র কি?

➤একটি সুষম বহুভূজে বাহুর সংখ্যা n এবং কেন্দ্র থেকে শীর্ষবিন্দুর দুরত্ব a হলে এর ক্ষেত্রফল কতো?

➤একটি 1N ভরের আপেলকে মুক্ত অবস্থায় ফেলে দিলে তার উপর কার্যকরী বল কতো?

➤বরফের ঘনত্ব 917kg/m^3 হলে পানিতে এর কতো শতাংশ ভাসবে?

➤সার্বিক ফাংশন কাকে বলে?

➤ঘরে বাইরে কার রচনা?

➤I went at 8o’clock, here “at 8o’clock” is a ____ phrase….?

➤The “cricket match” is a ____ compound?

➤আলো একটি বিদ্যুৎ চৌম্বকীয় তরঙ্গ, এটি কার তত্ত্ব?

➤সংযুক্ত কোণ কাকে বলে?

Notre Dame College Admission Question Answers PDF

We are already able to collect the questions through students. We are eagerly going to collect and upload all the questions from Science, Business Education, and Humanities sections. But all the correct answer pdf download has been published for the help of students and next year’s exam aspirants.

Anytime you want you can download and check all the correct answers pdf provided by us. We believe that this will save you time and getting the correct answer.

Solve physics questions

Physics Question Answers with correct explanations are available here for students who have applied to Notre Dame College and who have cleared their SSC exam today.

Solve Chemistry Questions

We have already published the answers to all Chemistry questions. NDC exam administrators set many difficult questions in Chemistry every year. A candidate who participated in the exam here told us that the chemistry questions coming today will be very difficult to be answered by the students who have cleared the SSC exam. So we hope that in the future teachers will keep an eye on all students when asking questions about this.

Solve math questions

We know that the Maths exam is considered to be the toughest exam in a student’s life. But as science students, they should acquire more knowledge in mathematics. As all types of calculators are not allowed, the candidates have to get a little bag while answering the questions. But the students told us that today’s questions were much easier for Maths.

So far all the candidates or parents who have not seen the correct answers to all the questions must comment below our post. If you want, you can comment below our Facebook post. And if you have any complaint regarding any question answer then definitely let us know. Thanks in advance for any advice.