Finally the written test for the post of Bangladesh Textile Board BHB Field Supervisor has been successfully conducted. The exam solution of all those who participated in the mcq exam for the post of loom board field supervisor held today has just been published. You can follow the pdf download link to check exam solution from our website in very quick time. Also, the exam result will be published anytime tonight. So stay tuned to our website to check the solution.
BHB Field Supervisor post exam started today at 10 am and ended at 11:30 am. Bangladesh Textile Industry Corporation i.e. Textile Board has informed the updated information of this exam through their official website on the last 5 days. You can get detailed information and updates regarding this post from this post.
Bangladesh Handloom Board Exam 2023
Bangladesh Textile Board is a government-owned and operated statutory public sector organization, Dhaka, Bangladesh. As of 2021, Mohammad Rezaul Karim is the Chairman of the Board.
Students can join 28 vacancies by appearing this exam today. Check below table for details of Field Supervisor Exam held today:
প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম: | বাংলাদেশ তাঁত বোর্ড |
পদের নাম: | ফিল্ড সুপারভাইজার |
পদ সংখ্যা: | ২৮ টি শুন্য পদ |
পরীক্ষার ধরন: | লিখিত এমসিকিউ পরীক্ষা |
পরীক্ষার তারিখ ও সময়: | ১৫ই সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৩, সকাল ১০ ঘটিকা থেকে ১১ঃ৩০ পর্যন্ত |
Tat Board BHB Today’s Exam Question Solution
You have come from this website to know the correct solution to all the MCQ questions of the exam. Greetings and cordial invitation to all the participating candidates. Correct solution of all questions given here and we will upload it on our website in a short time. Hope all the candidates can check the solution from here.
Those of you who appeared for the exam today but could not check the written exam solution or view the question yet, please follow our Facebook page. In a very short time, we are going to publish today’s full 100% correct answers of the exam. written exam answer pdf download link
Finally, the desired time has come, now we have time to publish our exact solutions. We have already provided the solution to you through the PDF download link. Candidates from almost different regions of the country have already managed to check the solutions. If you haven’t checked your exam solution yet then check the solution by clicking on the link given above.