Tarabi Namaz Porar Niom, Dua, Munajat [তারাবির সঠিক নিয়ম জেনেনিন]

The specific prayers of the month of Ramadan are Salaat Tarabih. Turabi’s prayers are an important part of Ramadan. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself offer Tarabi prayers and orders the Sahaabah to perform the same. And Tarabi prayers are Sunnah Muakkada for both men and women. It is more rewarding to perform these prayers with the congregation. It is more rewarding to finish the Qur’an in this prayer. However, even if it is performed through Surah-Qiraat, the reward of Tarabi can obtain.

By performing two rak’ats ten times, Tashahud, and ten times returning Salaah, one has to perform twenty rak’ah prayers.

However, the rule is to rest comfortably and perform Tarabeeh prayers slowly. On the other hand, in our country, people are physically weak. They are constantly praying Tarabih prayers for the busyness and fatigue of the day.

Tarabi Namaz Bangla | Tarabi Namaz Munajat | Tarabi Namaz Dua | Tarabi Namaz Niyat | Tarabi Namaz Porar Munajat

লাইলাতুল কদর নামাজ পড়ার নিয়ম

সূরা আল কদরঃ (আয়াত ১-৫)

বাংলা উচ্চারণ । বাংলা অর্থ । আরবি । ইংরেজি

বাংলা উচ্চারণঃ

ইন্না আনযালনাহু ফী লাইলাতিল কাদরি, ওয়ামা আদরাকা মা লাইলাতুল কাদরি, লাইলাতুল কাদরি খাইরুম মিন আলফি শাহর, তানাযযালুল মালাইকাতু ওয়াররূহ, ফিহা বিইযনি রাব্বিহিম মিন কুল্লি আমরিন, সালামুন হিয়া হাত্তা মাতলাইল ফাজর।

বাংলা অর্থঃ

নিশ্চয়ই আমি তা (কোরআন) অবতীর্ণ করেছি কদরের রাতে। আর কদরের রাত সম্বন্ধে তুমি কি জানো? কদরের রাত হাজার মাস অপেক্ষা শ্রেষ্ঠ। সে রাতে ফেরেশতারা ও রুহ অবতীর্ণ হয় প্রত্যেক কাজে তাদের প্রতিপালকের অনুমতিক্রমে। শান্তিই শান্তি, বিরাজ করে উষার আবির্ভাব পর্যন্ত।

سورة القدر:

إِنَّآ أَنزَلۡنَـٰهُ فِى لَيۡلَةِ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ

وَمَآ أَدۡرَٮٰكَ مَا لَيۡلَةُ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ

لَيۡلَةُ ٱلۡقَدۡرِ خَيۡرٌ۬ مِّنۡ أَلۡفِ شَہۡرٍ۬

تَنَزَّلُ ٱلۡمَلَـٰٓٮِٕكَةُ وَٱلرُّوحُ فِيہَا بِإِذۡنِ رَبِّہِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمۡرٍ۬

سَلَـٰمٌ هِىَ حَتَّىٰ مَطۡلَعِ ٱلۡفَجۡرِ

Sūrat al-Qadr:

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: (1)

And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is? (2)

The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months. (3)

The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees. (4)

It’s all Peace!… until the rise of dawn (Morning Sun)! (5)

What is Tarabih Salat?

During the night of Ramadan, the four rack’s of Faraz Asha prayers and two rak’ats Sunnah after circumcision and before the Viter prayers. These are the twenty rak’ats prayers in ten salaam, which are called ‘Tarabi prayers’.

The root metal of the Arabic word ‘Tarabih’ is ‘rahatun’ meaning to rest or rest. And the terminology of Shari’ah, Tarabi is the name given to a little sitting to rest for two rak’ats or four rak’ats in a row during Tarabi prayers in Ramadan.

Regarding the virtue and dignity of Tarabi prayers, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Whoever completes Tarabi prayers on the night of Ramadan in the hope of gaining virtue with faith, his past sins are forgiven.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) said, ‘Whoever fasts in the hope of receiving thawab with faith and ihtisab. Performs Taraaweeh prayers and worships Allah from waking up on the night of Qadr. All the sins before his life will forgive.’

The Regularly of Tarabi Namaz-তারাবিহ নামাজের নিয়ত

نويت ان اصلى لله تعالى ركعتى صلوة التراويح سنة رسول الله تعالى متوجها الى جهة الكعبة الشريفة الله اكبر.

বাংলা উচ্চারণ: নাওয়াইতু আন উসালি­য়া ল্লিলাহি তাআ’লা, রাকাআ’তাই সালাতিত তারাবিহ সুন্নাতু রাসুল্লিলাহি তাআ’লা। মুতাওয়াযজ্জিহান ইলা যিহাতিল কা’বাতিশ শারিফাতি, আল্লাহু আকবার। তবে যদি তারাবি জামাআ’তের সহিত নামাজ হয় তবে- ইক্বতাদাইতু বি হাজাল ইমাম বলতে হবে।

Meaning: I am devoted to praying two rak’ahs, Tarabih Sunnat, and Allah Almighty.

Those who have problems with pronunciation or cannot read Arabic, can devote to Bangla.

Dua After Complete Four rak’ats of Tarabeeh prayers in a row-তারাবিহ নামাজের চার রাকাআ’ত পরপর দোয়া

سبحان ذى الملك والملكوت سبحان ذى العزة والعظمة والهيبة والقدرة والكبرياء والجبروت . سبحان الملك الحى الذى لاينام ولا يموت ابدا ابدا سبوح قدوس ربنا ورب الملئكة والروح.

“সুব্হানাযিল মুলকি ওয়াল মালাকুতি, সুব্হানাযিল ইয্যাতি, ওয়াল আয্মাতি, ওয়াল হাইবাতি, ওয়াল কুদরাতি, ওয়াল কিবরিয়াই, ওয়াল যাবারুত। সুব্হানাল মালিকিল হাইয়্যিল্লাজি লা-ইয়াানামু ওয়ালা ইয়ামুতু আবাদান আবাদা। সুব্বুহুন কুদ্দুছুন রাব্বুনা ওয়া রাব্বুল মালাইকাতি ওয়ার রূহ।”

After returning the salaam after every two rak’ats, one has to read Istighfar. Read the Durud, recite Zikir in remembrance of Allah.

তারাবিহ নামাজের দোয়া

But Tarabi’s dua, which is currently in progress, does not contain Qur’an-Hadith; It was also written and introduced by an old man, which also means that we read it in a good way.

তারাবিহ নামাজের মোনাজাত

After completing four rak’ats can pray at a time, and once incomplete prayer, they can pray at once.

There is no specific prayer for Tarabih prayers. The prayers we always pray for in prayers are only when recited.

Yet long ago an old man introduced the dua recited in the Tarabih; Which means good and good, so we recite this dua in Taraweeh prayers.

উচ্চারণ: আল্লাহুম্মা ইন্না নাসআলুকা জান্নাতা ওয়া নাউ’জুবিকা মিনান্নারী, ইয়া খালিকাল জান্নাতা ওয়ান্নারী, বিরহতিকা ইয়া আজিজু, ইয়া গাফ্ফারু, ইয়া কারীমু, ইয়া সাত্তারু, ইয়া রাহীমু, ইয়া জাব্বারু, ইয়া খালিকু, ইয়া বার্র। আল্লাহুম্মা আযিরনা মিনান্নার; ইয়া মুযিরু, ইয়া মুযিরু, ইয়া মুযির। বিরহমাতিকা ইয়া আর হামার রাহিমি। 

সেহরি ও ইফতারের সময়সূচী

How Many Rak’ats Are Tarabi’s Prayers?

Tarabi’s prayer is recited in two rak’ats and any number of rak’ats. The rak’ah of Tarabi’s prayers has not been specified. The followers of Hanafi, Shafi’i and Hanbali fiqh recite 20 rak’ats, the followers of Maliki fiqh recite 36 rak’ats and the followers of Ahl al-Hadith recite 8 rak’ats of Tarabi.

Tarabi’s prayers 8/20 It is necessary to perform any one of them. We should emphasize quality. And It has been seen that he recited 20 rak’ats so fast that it took less than the time of reciting 8 rak’ats.

Tarabi 8/20 you can emphasize this without quarreling over it. Allah will see if you have given the quality beyond the number of rak’at you have read.

And since the holy month of Ramadan is the month of Siam. No problem reading 8/20. The more you worship this month, the better. 

তারাবির নামাজ কি সুন্নত না নফল?

Tarabi’s prayer is Sunnah Muakkada for all men and women.

খতম তারাবীহ এবং সূরা তারাবীহ কি?

There are two methods of Tarabihar prayer in Bangladesh. One is Khatab Tarabih and the other is Surah Tarabih.

The entire Qur’an is recited in the case of Khatam Tarabeeh. Hafiz of the Qur’an presides over the Khatam Tarabeeh. Surah Tarabeeh is recited through any Surah or verse recitation for Surah Tarabeeh.

Tarabi namaz Ghore -ঘরে তারাবি নামাজ

MP Saber Hossain Chowdhury proposed to broadcast Tarabi’s prayers live on television from the mosque instead of performing Tarabi’s prayers in a mosque in Bangladesh during the month of Ramadan.

Mr. Chowdhury told BD Exam Help, “If prayers are broadcast in a place, you can read Khatam Tarabi by following the audio that it has.”

“For example, when the last prayer offered at the World Ijtema, many people who watch it live on television take part in that prayer. Again, when we offer prayers, most people do not see the Imam.

যেভাবে টেলিভিশনের মাধ্যমে পড়া যেতে পারে নামাজ

The two methods of Tarabi prayers – through Surah and Khatam Tarabi – can be an option for those who do not have Hafez at home. No one needs to look at the TV screen when it can be broadcast on television. Just listen to the audio. “

The audio is broadcast live during Tarabi in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Many people follow it and pray. In Bangladesh, this is not impossible in terms of technology.

“We need to know how accurate the matter is according to Islamic law and religious rules. There can be more thought and talk about it.”

What happens if the power goes out suddenly. There has a solution that, if it is broadcast live through social media, then audio is not dependent on electricity. Rather relying on internet connection.

Tarabi Namaj Kivabe Porbo?

Do you want to see that Tarabi namaz Kivabe porbo? If yes then read this article and collect all accurate information from here very easily. 

We have discussed these things in Bangla, English, and Arabic all ways. We this information help you a lot to get your questions to answer from our website. 

Tarabi Namaz Basay Kivabe Porte Hoy?

Do you know the process that Tarabi Namaz basay kivabe porte hoy? Are you looking for How to read Tarabi namaz at your home? If yes then we just give some method to read it in your home on yourself. 

Dear user we have already given a system to read Tarabi namaz and if you follow this system you also will be able to read it yourself. 

So we think this article is more helpful for Muslim people. We are also happy to give you proper information about today’s Tarabi Salat. If you need any kind of information please comment it below.

Tarabi Namaz Porar Munajat

If you are going to attend your tarabi namaz at your own home you can see it to finish your salat with a proper Munajat. And we are very happy to publish it here. 

We have already published it on this post’s upper side. You can easily collect it in Arabic, Bangla, or English versions. Tarabi Namaz Porar Munajat is very important for us. So you can see it from here and collect it very easily.

Tarabir Namaz O Bitor Namaz koto Rakat

You can read tarabi namaz 20 rakat or 12 rakat also. Remember that if you are ill you can read only 8 rakat namaz. Only Allah can accept your salat. 

At first, you read 4 (four) rakats Esha’s Sunnat namaz then 4 (four) rakats Esha’s Fazer namaz and 2 (two) rakats Esha Sunnat namaz. Now you can start your Tarabi salat but remember that not read Bitor namaz.

After completing your Tarabi namaz and Esha namaz, you start your Bitor namaz 3 (three) rakats. And remember that you must complete Tarabi namaz’s munajat before starting your Bitor salat. 

Meyeder Tarabi Namaz Porar Niom

As we know that female people are not to go to Masjid to attend the Tarabi salat they can read it in their own home. 

According to Mizanur Rahman Azari, a female person can complete her salat from home. There are not any alternative rules for their salat complete. 

They just follow male rules or the rules which we have given in this article. And they also can complete Khatam Tarabi or if it is not possible for someone they can read it with any sura from Al-Kuran. 

See Also:

সেহরি ও ইফতারের দোয়া – Iftar & Sehri Dua

Tarabi Namaz Porar Niom, Dua, Munajat

নামাজ পড়ার সঠিক নিয়ম দেখুন

Tarabi Namaz Dua, Niyat, Munajat & Niom in Bangla 2021

Iftar & Sehri Time Bangladesh 2021 (রমজানের সময়সূচী প্রকাশিত)