সঠিক উত্তর BSMMU Super Specialized Hospital MCQ Question Solution 2023 PDF Download

Super Specialized Hospital Niyog Exam 2023 under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University All MCQs 100% Correct Question Solution has just released. Today, 17 November 2023, every Friday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, the answers to all the questions of the written examination held at six centers have been published. 20360 Candidates Appeared in Preliminary Exam for Recruitment of Manpower for BSMMU Super Specialized Hospital. All posts exam question answers are published with correct solutions.

Dear students, if you have participated in the recruitment exam of Super Specialized Hospital under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University held today, then this post is for you. Written exam question answers are available for all posts participating in today’s exam. First of all you have to follow our website to get all posts question answers in quick time.

Super Specialized Hospital Exam Question Solution-2023

There is a new specialized branch recruitment process under the biggest medical in Bangladesh. Candidates for the written examination have been selected from among the candidates who have applied from all the districts of Bangladesh. Today’s questions were very easy for all the candidates who appeared in this exam.

পরীক্ষার নাম BSMMU সুপার স্পেশালাইজড হাসপাতালের জনবল নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা
পদের নাম বিভিন্ন পদ
পরীক্ষার্থীর সংখ্যা ২০৩৮০ জন
পরীক্ষার তারিখ ১৭ই নভেম্বর ২০২৩ রোজ শুক্রবার
প্রশ্ন সমাধান লিংক  https://onlineupdate24.com/

However, due to the seating plan of all the candidates participating in the examination, the information about the examination of all the candidates was not available. Today’s exam is held in just one hour as it follows MCQs. However, students participating in the exam think that if they get a maximum 55 to 60 marks, they will be selected for the written exam. The question answer to this exam has just reached us. You will first get the solution to all questions with the correct explanation through this post.

BSMMU Recruitment Exam Question Answers Download 2023

Meanwhile, a lot of manpower is being recruited for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University’s new wing super specialized hospital. Directly under the Bangladesh Ministry of Health, these recruitment activities are conducted on the basis of various lobbying or merit lists. So welcome to all the candidates appearing for today’s exam. If you have cleared the exam properly then hopefully you will be selected for the next step.


The new notification from the website of a very reputed medical university announced to recruitment some candidates for Specialized Hospital this year. In this regard, today’s exam question answers of all the candidates participating in the exam from among the applied candidates have been published through various social media Facebook pages and some groups.

BSMMU Specialized Hospital Question Answer PDF Link

We have reviewed each question in the exam and prepared answers by dividing Bengali, English, Maths, and General Knowledge into different sections. You can follow the various links provided by us to get the correct answers to all questions. If you want to see the answer to any question yourself or get any solution then definitely let us know in the comments.

If you are interested in downloading correct answers of all questions in PDF format then definitely click on the above link. And already you have got the answer to our question in picture form. If a candidate has not yet got the answer to his question then definitely check the links carefully.

If you have any disagreement with the answers to our published questions, you must comment. Follow our Facebook page and website to get the correct answer to any question. Today’s exam result will be released any moment. So definitely stay with this website to check the result.